General terms of sale

Registered at RCS SIRET 832 035 877 00014 : Sale of guided tours and excursions in the Occitanie and Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur regions.

Clause 1 : Purpose

These conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by the micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia (Sylvia Parrot-Labis) whose head office is located at 19 rue de la Croix in Avignon, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number 832035877 managing the page, https://www.occitanie-excursions/, and, on the other hand, by any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase via the https account : // via the online ticketiing Billetweb, via a paypal link, by bank transfer or by especes, hereinafter referred to as « the buyer ». Any service performed by the company Occitanie Excursions therefore implies the unconditional adherence of the buyer to these general conditions of sale.

Clause 2 : Prices and tarification

The prices on the website are shown net in Euros (€). The micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia reserves the right to change its prices at any time, however it is understood that the price appearing on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer. Prices are quoted in euros and are exclusive of taxes. They are not increased by the VAT rate, the status of self-entrepreneur involving a VAT exemption, according to article 293 B of the CGI.

Clause 3 : Booking conditions

To book your private tour, please contact the service provider by email : or by phone at 06 14 98 82 69. After making sure that our proposals are adapted to your wishes, we will send you a first personalized quote including the detail of your upcoming tour.

In order to validate your reservation, you will be asked to sign and date the quote. For a service whose amount exceeds 100€, you will asked to pay a deposit of 30% of the total price of your service. The RIB of Sylvia Parrot-Labis will be sent to you by email for this purpose.

Clause 4 : Modification or cancellation conditions

For any modification of the order, the customer undertakes to inform Sylvia Parrot-Labis directly and as soon as possible. This notification must be done by email :, until 48 hours before the begining of the service.

For any service including tastings or other special reservations, and given the nature and seasonality of our partners’activites, we cannot guarantee you too much freedom of choice.

For any cancellation of the service from the customer, the customer undertakes to inform Sylvia Parrot-Labis directly and as soon as possible. This notification must be done by email :, until 48 hours before the begining of the service. The cancellation of a service by the customer due to bad weather or outside a case of force majeure, is the sole responsability of the customer. No refund can be claimed.

If Sylvia Parrot-Labis decides to cancel a service (weather conditions, other cases of force majeure), the customer will be entitled to a full refund.

Clause 5 : Discounts and rebates

The proposed rates include discounts and rebates that the micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia would be required to grant taking into account its results or the assumption by the buyer of certain services.

Clause 6 : Termes of payment

Visits can be paid for :

  • in cash,
  • via the Billetweb online ticket office, and via a link issued by Sylvia Parrot-Labis and sent by email. You will automatically receive by email your ticket with a QR code to present during your visit. Remenber to bring proof in case of special rate.
  • via the Paypal online payment site. Secure payment via the PAYPAL invoice system : the buyer selects « payment by PAYPAL », the buyer is redirected to the secure interface PAYPAL to securely fill in his account references or his bank card details if no Paypal account. If payment is accepted, the reservation is recorded. Payment by Paypal account is irrevocable.
  • by transfer to the account of the service provider Ms Sylvia Parrot-Labis, by receiving the RIB directly by email.

From €100/person, a deposit of 30% of the total invoice will be required to validate your reservation.

At the end of your service, and after full payment, you will receive a detailed invoice (within a maximum of 48 hours openables after the service).

the confirmation of a reservation implies the acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having perfect knowledge and the renunciation to avail itself of its own conditions of purchase. All data provided and the recorded confirmation will be proof of the transaction.

Clause 7 : Liability

The micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia in the distance selling process, is only held by an obligation of means. It cannot be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, viruses, termination of service, or other unintended problems.

Clause 8 : Force majeure

The responsability of the micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia cannot be implemented if the nonperformance or delay in the performance of one of its obligations described in these general conditions of sale arises from a case of force majeure. As such, force majeure means any external, unpredictable and irresistible event within the meaning of Artlcle 1148 of the French Civil Code.

Clause 9 : Intellectual property

All elements of,, and are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of the micro-company Provence Occitanie avec Sylvia. No one is allowed to reproduce, exploit, or use for any reason whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site in the form of photo, logo, visual or text.

Clause 10 : Personal data

The micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided by the buyer, which it would be required to transmit for the use of certain services. All information concerning him is subject to the provisions of Law N°78-17 of 6 january 1978. As such, the user has a right of access, of modification and deletion of information concerning him. They can request it at any time at

Clause 11: Dispute resolution

These distance selling conditions are subject to French law. For all disputes or disputes, the dispute will be brought before the commercial court of the head office of the micro-company Provence Occitanie with Sylvia.